• Museum Night Fever

    11-03 2017 – 19.00 > 01.00 The museums of Brussels open their doors during the evening for the Museum Night Fever. Come and discover, from 7pm to 1am, the many performances and […]

  • Meet the artists & authors / Performance Kurt Ryslavy

    18:30 > Meet the artists and authors of BXL UNIVERSEL  Vincen Beeckman, Jean-Michel Meyers, Marie-Françoise Plissart, Caroline Lamarche & Marc Didden (Moderator : Carine Fol) 19:30 > Performance by Kurt Ryslavy « Mettre […]

  • Le chantier des gosses de Jean Harlez

    05-02 2017 – 15:00 7 € film + expo –  5 € film – 3 € étudiants Le chantier des gosses. A film by Jean Harlez Belgium 1956-1970, 83′, OV FR Subtitles […]

  • Week of Sound

    01-02 2017 12:45 & 02-02 2017 20:30 Concert-Walter Hus As part of the 2017 Week of Sound, Walter Hus will twice perform a solo piano concert at the CENTRALE. He will play […]

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  • Orchestre d’un jour – Baudouin de Jaer

    22-01 2017 10:00 Meeting for the rehearsal 17:00 Performance Free Orchestre d’un jour – Baudouin de Jaer Whether you are an experienced musician, a beginner or a musician for one day, only […]

  • Back to Normal / Orchestre d’un jour

    22-01 2017 – 09.00 > 18.00 WE NEED YOU! Musician for a day or always been? Singer under the shower or experienced instrumentalist? It doesn’t matter! Composer Baudouin de Jaer invites you […]

  • Turning History by Emiliano Battista

    18-01 2017 – 18:30 – € 5 Lecture: Turning History by Emiliano Battista [EN] Ana Torfs’ Story Generator carries its provocation in its title: an arrangement of texts of various provenances and […]

  • Plantes de Bruxelles – Lise Duclaux

    01-12 / 04-12 2016 / 21-01 / 05-02 / 05-03 2017 Plants of Brussels – Lise Duclaux Since 2003, Lise Duclaux samples cuttings of plants among her friends or pinches them when […]

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  • La Nuit du Souffle – Ars Musica

    24-11 2016 Access to the exhibition from 21:00 onwards 22:00 > 01:00 Concert € 12 / 6 Reservation: info@centrale.brussels La Nuit du Souffle – Ars Musica Beyond its physical function, breathing into […]

  • Sunday Workshops

    06-11 / 04-12 2016 / 05-02 / 05-03 2017 – 11:00 > 12:30 € 5 (material provided) Sunday Workshop Kids workshop (5-10 years). with Aurélia Deschamps, illustrator Inscriptions : info@centrale-art.be – 02 279 […]

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  • crayons, pinceaux, et autre matériel d'atelier créatif

    Wednesday Workshop

    02-11 / 07-12 2016 / 01-02 / 01-03 2017 – 14:00 > 16:00 € 5 (material provided) Wednesday Workshop Creative workshops (from 8 to 88 years) with Aurélia Deschamps, illustrator Registration : info@centrale-art.be – […]

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