At Centrale, we are sensitive to the issues of sustainability and inclusivity. We have therefore put in place a series of actions.
Here are some of the best practices already in place:
– 1 member of the team is a referent for sustainable development
– Centrale benefits from a sustainable support from EventChange: audit, recommendations and follow-up
– Various training courses have been taken by team members: eco-design, sustainable IT, etc.
– Raising awareness and good practices have been put in place to begin the eco-design process, including the reuse and salvage of our exhibition materials when appropriate – particularly for the workshops – and collaboration with La Brolerie, la Récupérathèque of the Académie Royale des Beaux-arts de Bruxelles
– We prefer to work with local operators for our exhibitions and events (breweries, cafés and restaurants) in order to support the local economy
– Mobility: Centrale is located in the city centre, easily accessible by public transport and bicycle (bicycle parking available in front of Centrale’s entrance). Most of the team travels by public transport and/or bicycle. Description of the different modes of transport available online
– Reducing the use of paper: visitor guides have been replaced by explanatory labels in the exhibition spaces, and the printing of posters, flyers and other printed materials has been limited
– Printing of flyers on ‘ECO LABEL’ paper
– Reducing our activities: doing less but better. We are still offering several temporary exhibitions a year, but we are reducing the number of activities/events around them, to encourage high-quality work, whether in terms of mediation, communication, logistics, etc. The sustainability of the team is a key issue
– Energy-efficient website: we have worked to ensure that our website has a positive carbon footprint. Our website is cleaner than 84% of the websites tested on the website
– 1 member of the team is a referent for inclusivity
– Various training courses are taken by members of the team to deconstruct gender stereotypes, racism and prejudice, etc.
– Passe-Muraille has carried out an audit and an action plan is scheduled for 2024, including the installation of a hearing loop at reception, PRM signage, etc.
– An Access-i description of the different levels of accessibility available online
– Most of the spaces of CENTRALE are accessible to people with disabled access
– Inclusive writing is used on all our materials for the public
– Centrale’s programme is designed to be inclusive: everyone, whether artist or visitor, is welcome, regardless of origin, colour, age, gender, disability, sexual orientation or philosophical or religious beliefs. Our programme of activities includes intergenerational workshops, themed tours such as the guided tours on decolonisation with François Makanga, Matrimony Days with Lyse Vancampenhoudt, and more
An example of an inclusive art project: Q(ee)R Codes initiated by Anna Raimondo as part of the exhibition BXL UNIVERSEL II:
– Centrale actively follows the actions of Open Museum, an initiative of Brussels Museums aimed at developing inclusiveness in museums
– Centrale is a LGBTQIA+ friendly venue and aims to be a safe space for all (information to this effect can be found on Centrale’s Google page)
– Centrale has gender-neutral toilets (signage installed in 2023)
We are aware that this is only the beginning, and we want to go further.
Our objectives include:
– Construction works in 2024 to improve reception and accessibility
– Create an in-house ecoteam: at least 1 person from each ‘department’ to support the 2 referents sustainability & inclusivity
– Involve/raising awareness of all colleagues through group training sessions
– Drawing up a joint sustainable development charter with/for the team
– Eco-design: Centrale systematically integrates sustainability, sobriety and eco-design criteria (re-use/upcycling/eco-designed and local materials); informs artists of this approach; integrates the life cycle of materials ahead of projects: we would like to use a table of materials in order to foresee the re-use/recycling/upcycling method for each material before dismantling
– Improving the well-being of employees and visitors, in particular by setting a maximum decibel level in the exhibition halls and organising free visiting slots for people with special needs
– Sustainable food: develop the collaboration with local suppliers, including a seasonal/local/organic production criterion; offer 100% vegetarian food; replace drinks in tetra packs with glass containers and encourage the use of reusable cups
– Content for our audiences: develop the offer for audiences with special needs (room texts on paper format available on request at reception, Easy to Read and Understand, etc.).
– Digital: reduce our digital content/media. We are currently considering the types of material that should or should not be produced for each project
– Take trainings in sign language, Easy to Read and Understand, and training to accompany blind and partially sighted people in exhibitions
– Mobility: Raising awareness among the staff and the artists to Centrale’s commitment in order to promote soft mobility
– Recycling: carry out a one-year assessment of the quantity and type of waste
– Partnerships: include environmental clauses in the criteria for purchasing materials as part of public contracts
– Printing: opt for vegetable-based inks
Any questions, comments or recommendations? Contact Estielle Vandeweeghe (they/them) and Laura Pleuger (she/her)