Intergenerational workshops (from 8 +)
Wednesday, 14:00 > 16:00
€ 5 (entrance to the exhibition included and material provided)
Centrale offers you to participate in its intergenerational workshops.
Twice a month, an artist introduces you to his practice and gives you the opportunity to explore new techniques and forms of artistic expression (sculpture, engraving, writing, sound creation, illustration, ceramics etc.)
Associations and school groups
Workshop with an artist (+ visit)
2h | 150 € or Art.27 tickets | 15-20 participants max
Workshops 2023/2024:
plein air CENTRALE openlucht with Marion Fabien
13.12.2023, 10 & 24.01, 14 & 28.02, 13.03.2024 with Brigitte Hoornaert
Online workshops #trythisathome
Info and reservations : – 02 279 64 02