BXL Universel presents a subjective portrait of the bustling city that is the Belgian capital, through archive documents, films, photographs and creations by artists who live and work there.
BXL UNIVERSEL is a story where opposites meet, sensibilities collide and humour and seriousness interact within a celebratory structure.
The project captures the diversity and uniqueness of this bilingual city where the dialect embodies a wonderful Melting Pot, a tasty mix of French and Flemish. The symbol of this city of folklore is “Manneken-Pis”, a chubby boy who urinates, a comical incarnation of a zest for life. A city of contrasts, symbolic of the surrealist spirit, it continually challenges the confines of seriousness, enchanting us while annoying us.
BXL UNIVERSEL presents approaches as different as the Weltmaschine (World Machine) by Franz Gselmann inspired by the Atomium, a life’s art (Kurt Ryslavy), art embodying the sharing of an ecological conscience (Lise Duclaux), the subjective vision of an image of the city (Pieter Geenen), installations (Charlemagne Palestine, Kendell Geers), photography so close to us that it becomes universal (Vincen Beeckman) and more.
With works and evocations by: J. Louis AGAIN, Cécile BERTRAND, Vincen BEECKMAN, Bernard BOCCARA, Jacques BREL, Marcel BROODTHAERS, Benoît de PIERPONT, Lucien DE ROECK, Marc DIDDEN, DUBUS, Lise DUCLAUX, Frédéric ETIENNE, EVER MEULEN, Christoph FINK, FRANKY D.C., GAL, Pieter GEENEN, Kendell GEERS, Franz GSELLMANN, Jean HARLEZ, Fernand HELLINCKX, Gillis HOUBEN, Frédéric JANNIN & Stefan LIBERSKI, Ann Veronica JANSSENS, Pierre KROLL, Thomas LEROOY, MANNEKEN-PIS, MAREC, Johan MUYLE, Charlemagne PALESTINE, Marie-Françoise PLISSART, Elvis POMPILIO, Jean-Pierre ROSTENNE, Kurt RYSLAVY, François SCHUITEN, STIKSTOF, STROMAE, Pascal TASSINI, Toots THIELEMANS, TOONE, Ana TORFS, Geert van BRUAENE (le petit Gérard), Johan VERMINNEN.
BXL UNIVERSEL allows multidisciplinary collaborations with other Brussels cultural stakeholders or festivals (Atomium, Kaaitheater – Performatik, Passa Porta, La Fleur en Papier Doré, Ars Musica, Cinematek, Semaine du Son (Week of Sound), etc.).
A trilingual book to be published in the Essais collection by CFC Editions will accompany the project; the authors (C. FOL, Erik CORIJN, Thomas GUNZIG, Caroline LAMARCHE,…) will present their unique vision of Brussels.

Place Sainte-Catherine 44 Sint-Katelijneplein
Bruxelles 1000 Brussel