, Belgium -
Lives and work : Belgium
Extra Muros
The exposition captures a subjective portrait of Brussels, it’s wonderful Melting Pot and surrealist spirit, by confronting contemporary art with popular creations. presents approaches as different as the World Machine by Franz […]
BXL Universel
BXL Universel presents a subjective portrait of the bustling city that is the Belgian capital, through archive documents, films, photographs and creations by artists who live and work there. BXL UNIVERSEL is a […]
La Centrale Electrique
An exceptional exhibition to inaugurate a remarkable place. A must see! A giant spider among rose satin, fragments of a horse, a boxer cat, a posing llama or seal, kayaking dogs, a […]
Toute cruauté est-elle bonne à dire?
La Centrale Electrique
« La Belgique est un accident de l’histoire, une ineptie politique, une construction boiteuse ? Certes, et là réside sa chance : le Belge est constitutivement à l’abri de toute illusion, qu’elle […]
Johan Muyle – Indian Studio
Inspired by the painters of Chennai (Madras), famed for their Bollywood cinema posters, Johan MUYLE developes since the 1990s monumental installations combining urban and popular expression. In the monographic exhibition INDIAN STUDIO, […]