, Belgium -
Lives and work : Belgium
Nationality : Belge
Photographe basé à Bruxelles qui aime tisser des liens avec “des gens” et des univers dans lesquels il s’investit et interagit. Principalement à Bruxelles mais également en Belgique et dans des contrées plus lointaines comme New York ou Naples. Il collabore avec des centres d’arts comme le Wiels, Bozar, la Fondation A ou Recyclart. Bruxelles est son terrain de jeu et de création privilégié, véritable photographe de la ville et de ses habitants.
Il proposera une sélection inédite de photographies qui mettra l’accent sur la richesse des individualités dans toute leur diversité, leur universalité.
Vincen Beeckman
Extra Muros
CENTRALE for contemporary art and the Saint-Pierre University Hospital (Brussels) present piKuur, a project of photographic exhibitions. Every two months, artist Vincen Beeckman presents in the Saint-Pierre University Hospital new series of […]
BXL UNIVERSEL II : multipli.city
CENTRALE presents BXL UNIVERSEL II: multipli.city, a multidisciplinary forum-exhibition & events project in collaboration with 11 artists and 6 Brussels-based organisations. With: Younes Baba-Ali, Vincen Beeckman, Aleksandra Chaushova, Effi & Amir, Hadassah […]
Private Choices
Private Choices lifts the veil on a significant aspect of art: contemporary art collections and its initiators, the art lovers. The latter play an increasingly important role in the constantly growing art […]
Extra Muros
The exposition captures a subjective portrait of Brussels, it’s wonderful Melting Pot and surrealist spirit, by confronting contemporary art with popular creations. presents approaches as different as the World Machine by Franz […]
BXL Universel
BXL Universel presents a subjective portrait of the bustling city that is the Belgian capital, through archive documents, films, photographs and creations by artists who live and work there. BXL UNIVERSEL is a […]
Patricia BARAKAT & Hélène GULIZZI & Vincen BEECKMAN
Tombola is the result of a joint visual research project on the photographic mise en scene and its relationship with the audience. This exhibition is part of an evolution where the actor […]