• Meet the artist Juan Pablo Plazas

    Meet the artist Juan Pablo Plazas (CENTRALE | lab) Wednesdays: 06.10, 13.10, 20.10, 27.10, 03.11, 10.11, 17.11, 24.11, 01.12, 08.12, 15.12, 22.12 & 29.12.2021 10:30 > 18:00 Saturdays: 15.01 & 22.01.2022 10:30 […]

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  • Ligne de fond. Work in progress

    WORKSHOP – Ligne de fond 11:00 > 18:00 CENTRALE, Place Sainte-Catherine, 45 – 1000 Brussels As part of Brussels Drawing Week A collaboration between CENTRALE & Académie Royale des Beaux-arts de Bruxelles […]

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  • Mur Kleine Salon

    Closing Weekend

    “For its 15th birthday, CENTRALE offers BXL UNIVERSEL II: multipli.city, a months-long programme of activities, including exhibitions, talks, film and nocturnes that examine how art and culture reflect and make possible the […]

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  • Conference – De la première à la deuxième saison (FR)

    Conference – De la première à la deuxième saison (FR) Saturday 28.08.2021, 17:00 CENTRALE | atelier Free of charge, reservation required: info@centrale.brussels On the occasion of the exhibition Deuxième saison at CENTRALE […]

  • Meet the Curators

    Meet the curators – Carine Fol & Tania Nasielski 04.07.2021 & 05.09.2021 – 11:30 > 12:30 with Carine Fol & Tania Nasielski (FR, NL, EN) Free guided tour included with the purchase […]

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  • Workshops at CENTRALE with Zinneke

    30.06.2021 @ CENTRALE – 14:00 > 16:00 07.07.2021 @ CENTRALE & Parc Fontainas as part of Un été à Fontainas and Hello Summer – 14:00 > 16:00 € 5 (entrance to the […]

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  • Birthday Weekend

    “For its 15th birthday, CENTRALE offers BXL UNIVERSEL II: multipli.city, a months-long programme of activities, including exhibitions, talks, film and nocturnes that examine how art and culture reflect and make possible the […]

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  • CENTRALE Cinema – Broken Art

    23.06.2021 – 12:30 8 € projection + expo ; 5 € projection ; 3 € students Reservation required via info@centrale.brussels Broken art. A film by Benoît Baudson and Nicolas de Decker  (52’- […]

  • Meet the artists Lucas Castel & Mathilde Mahoudeau

    Meet the artists Lucas Castel & Mathilde Mahoudeau (CENTRALE.box) 19 & 20.06, 24.07, 21.08 & 28.08 14:00 > 18:00 11 & 12.09.2021 11:00 > 19:00 The artists Lucas Castel & Mathilde Mahoudeau […]

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  • Screening laureates Brussels Videonline Festival #2

    19.06.2021 –  17:00  In February 2021, the second edition of the Brussels Videonline Festival, organised by CENTRALE in partnership with six art schools (ARBA-ESA, La Cambre, ERG, INSAS, LUCA School of Arts […]

  • Workshop at CENTRALE with Pélagie Gbaguidi

    16.06.2021 14:00 > 16:00 – € 5 (entrance to the exhibition included and material provided) Intergenerational workshops (from 8 years) Info and reservations : info@centrale.brussels  During a 2-hour initiation on a Wednesday afternoon, artists […]