26-10 2016 – 12:30 – pick-nick welkom !  7 € projection + expo ; 5 € projection ; 3 € students Ann Veronica Janssens – Los van de materie. Regie: Jan Blondeel Belgique, […]

  • Franz GSELLMANN – Weltmaschine @ Atomium

    20-10 > 13-11 2016 @ Atomium Avenue de l’Atomium 1020 Brussels With entrance ticket Video Projection: Franz GSELLMANN – Weltmaschine On 8 October 1958, Franz GSELLMANN (Austria, 1910-1981) visited the central pavilion […]

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  • Call for young plastic artists in Brussels

    The CENTRALE.lab, which opened in October 2015, is the laboratory space of the CENTRALE, the centre for contemporary art in the City of Brussels, and is dedicated to young plastic artists based […]

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    « FEEL THE CITY » is back for the 15th edition of the BSF! Discover the exhibition CONNECTED at -50%! (Valid for the holders of a « 10-DAY Pass » during the […]

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  • Le grand banKet

    Let’s create together the table around wich we all gather for “Le Grand BanKet” by the artist Françoise Schein’s! To mark the 10-year anniversary of the CENTRALE for contemporary art, the Centre […]

  • Le Grand BanKet de Françoise SCHEIN

    An art centre’s purpose is to generate meetings and sharing around contemporary creation. Over 120 participants from various generations and origins (residents, members of neighbourhood associations, etc.) will become creators of a […]

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  • Veth – Jean-Luc FAFCHAMPS

    25.05.16 > 29.05.16 – Installation Beth/Veth (2012) Solo and electronic instrument, mixed electronic music For piano, percussion and electronic device (one performer) Duration 50′ Creation 11/03/12 Ars Musica Festival Royal Conservatory of […]

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  • ORLAN – Meet the artist

    04.05.2016 – 18:30 – € 5 In French only Reservations preferred > info@centrale-art.be In the frame of the CONNECTED exhibition, the encounter with ORLAN (FR) will help to highlight the existential foundations […]


    04-05 / 11-05 / 18-05 / 25-05 / 01-06 2016 14:00 > 17:00 Workshop in french Atelier dès 15 ans avec Pascale Barret et Valentine Bonomo, en partenariat avec le réseau Kalame. Dans le […]

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    29-30/04/2016 – 14:00 > 17:30 CENTRALE connects ISAC The students of the Institut Supérieur des Arts et des Chorégraphies of Brussels (ISAC) invest the exhibition CONNECTED with physical proposals constructed in situ. […]

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  • Performance musicale – Arne Deforce

    28.04.16 – 18:30 – € 7 Connected Music performance Arne DEFORCE in partnership with Young Chamber Music for Europe & Centre Henri Pousseur (Liège-Luik) Arne Deforce, cellist and performer, will propose his […]