Title: Xavier Noiret-Thomé & Henk Visch. Panorama
Authors: Carine Fol (curator), Denys Zacharopoulos
Publisher: La Lettre volée
Publication: September 2020, Brussels
Format: 24 x 30 cm
Pages: 96 p.
Summary: Published on the occasion of the exhibition Panorama – which is organised as part of CENTRALE’s series of duo exhibitions – this book explores the dialogue
between the paintings of Xavier Noiret-Thomé (France, 1971) and the sculptures of Henk Visch (Netherlands, 1950). This dialogue exposes the affinities between the two artists: the vital energy deployed in their creation
and the metaphysical dimension of their oeuvre, which is anchored in their own lives and questions the place of mankind in society and of the universe. From the very first exchanges between the artists, a fundamental discussion started on the place of painting and sculpture in the exhibition space, on their interactions and their spatial presences, and last but not least on the very essence of the artist’s gesture. Neither artist illustrates ideas, and, within Panorama, their bodies of work form a new, unexpected formal territory.
Texts by Carine Fol and Denys Zacharopoulos.
Interview between Xavier Noiret-Thomé and Henk Visch facilitated by Carine Fol.
Denys Zacharopoulos is a Greek author, critic, teacher and curator who has taken part in the 48th Venice Biennale (Italy) and Documenta IX in Kassel (Germany).
Photographs by Philippe De Gobert presenting the Panorama exhibition at CENTRALE.
Artists: Xavier Noiret-Thomé & Henk Visch
Subject: Contemporary art
Languages: FR & NL & EN
Type of document: Exhibition catalogue
Price: € 20