Title: | No Border (Just N.E.W.S*) *north, east, west, south |
Author: | Henry Meyric Hghes, Catherine Mickus-Béziat, Michel Pencreac’h, Joan Vandenberghe |
Publisher: | City of Brussels, asbl Bruxelles-Musées-Expositions – AICA Press |
Publication: | Printed in February 2008 |
Format: | 1 vol. (204 p.) 16.4 x 20.3 cm |
Collection: | / |
Summary: | This exhibition book collates the works of 29 recent art school graduates from 22 European countries. These visual artists use various media such as paintings, videos, photographs, sculptures, installations etc. to demonstrate their curiosity about and commitment to various current issues. This project was brought to fruition by a European network of critics and museum directors, colleges and arts centres involved in the current art scene, and is led by AICA, Association internationale des critiques d’Art (International Association of Art Critics). |
Artists: | Kristoffer Akselbo, Ece Burgaz, Nina Canell, David Cantera, Sebastian Christoffel, Coolturistes, Rudy Decelière, Marjan Denkov, Kristina Draskovic, Brendan Earley, Willehad Eilers, Merike Estna, Erica Eyres, David Ferrando Giraut, Caroline Froissart, Simon Hitziger, Tellervo Kalleinen, Ulrike Knorr, Maria Lusitano, Kristina Müntzing, Ailbhe Ní Bhrian, Randi Nygård, Lala Raščić, Kateřina Šedá, Ivana Smiljanić, Mayra Vázquez, Babis Venetopoulos, Pernille With Madsen, Zorka Wollny |
Topic: | contemporary art, Europe, border |
Language: | French, English and Dutch |
Document type: | printed text, illustrations |
Identifier: | ISBN : 2-9506768-6-3 |
Price: | € 15,00 |
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