Title: | Johan Muyle – Indian Studio |
Author: | Bernard Marcelis, Carine Fol |
Publisher: | Fonds Mercator |
Publication: | Printed in 2013 |
Format: | 1 vol. (144 p.): 24 x 30 cm |
Collection: | / |
Summary: | Johan Muyle, Indian Studio (1995 -…) was published for the Johan Muyle exhibition at the CENTRALE for Contemporary art (Brussels) as part of the Europalia India festival, and is the first major monograph dedicated to the artist’s Indian years. The book gives an overview of the artist’s Baroque pictorial language, which combines nostalgia and humour in a diverse range of both urban and popular, Oriental and Western artistic creations.The book includes a contribution by Belgian art critic Bernard Marcelis. |
Artists: | Johan Muyle |
Topic: | contemporary art, identity, India |
Language: | English |
Document type: | printed text, 60 colour illustrations – hardback |
Identifier: | ISBN : 978944623001256 |
Price: | € 30,00 |
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