Title: | Jane Alexander : Surveys (from the Cape of Good Hope) |
Author: | Jane Alexander, Ashraf Jamal, Kobena Mercer, Simon Njami, Lize van Robbroeck, Pep Subirós (Curator) |
Publisher: | Pep Subirós, Museum for African Art, Actar |
Publication: | Printed in 2011 |
Format: | 1 vol. (189 p.): 24 x 22 cm |
Collection: | / |
Summary: | Jane Alexander’s installations, photomontages and videos are populated by strange hybrid beings (Johannesburg, 1959 – living and working at the Cape). The artist’s journey of discovery, although firmly rooted in South African history, crosses national borders to reveal the global reach of systems of domination and discrimination based on previous and new forms of racism, together with the increased obsession with security due to economic, social and political inequalities. A parallel insight is given into human nature, caught between its ambition to lead an honourable and peaceful life, and its propensity for violence and conflict. In collaboration with the New York Museum for African Art. |
Artists: | Jane Alexander |
Topic: | contemporary art, South Africa |
Language: | French |
Document type: | printed text, illustrations |
Identifier: | ISBN : 978-84-92861-72-9 |
Price: | € 35,00 |