Title: | Invitation au voyage – Lauréats Prix Marcel Duchamp 2000-2014 |
Author: | Alfred Pacquement, Carine Fol |
Publisher: | Silvana Editoriale |
Publication: | Printed in April 2015 |
Format: | 1 vol. (120 p.): 20 x 24.5 cm |
Collection: | / |
Summary: | This catalogue is devoted to 14 artists and winners of the Marcel Duchamp Prize, since the Prize was created by ADIAF (the Association for the International Diffusion of French Art) in 2000. |
Artists: | Thomas Hirschhorn, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Mathieu Mercier, Carole Benzaken, Claude Closky, Philippe Mayaux, Tatiana Trouvé, Laurent Grasso, Saâdane Afif, Cyprien Gaillard, Mircea Cantor, Daniel Dewar, Grégory Gicquel, Latifa Echakhch, Julien Previeux |
Topic: | contemporary art, France, prizes |
Language: | French, English and Dutch |
Document type: | printed text, illustrations |
Identifier: | ISBN : 9788836630493 |
Price: | € 25,00 |
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