• BETWEEN CLASSES | Free visit for teachers

    BETWEEN CLASSES | Free visit for teachers 26.04.2023 – 13:00 Only in French and Dutch. PRACTICAL INFORMATION Wednesday April 26 2023 at 1pm Duration: +- 2 hours Price: free for teachers – Free […]

  • Mehdi-Georges Lahlou dans l'exposition extra

    Guided tour – extra

    Guided tour of the exhibition extra (EN) with the artists Mehdi-Georges Lahlou & Candice Breitz, and the curator Tania Nasielski 22.04.2023 – 16:00 > 17:30 Guided tour included with the purchase of […]

  • Passa Porta Festival – Refuge: a haven of words

    As part of Passa Porta Festival 25 & 26.03.2023 – 14:00 > 17:00 CENTRALE for contemporary art & Globe Aroma Between those moments when you meet your favourite writer and discover new […]

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  • Des publics devant l'entrée de la Centrale lors d'un vernissage

    Finissage @ CENTRALE

    Finissage @ CENTRALE 19.03.2023 – 14:00 > 20:00 On the occasion of the last day of our exhibitions PHOTO | BRUT #1 collection Bruno Decharme & video installation Angel Vergara (@ CENTRALE […]

  • workshop Maud Gourdon détail cataplasme

    Workshop with artist Maud Gourdon

    Workshop with artist Maud Gourdon 18.02.2023 14:00 > 17:00 In the context of the exhibition Cataplasme ! The artist proposes to show the different stages of fabrication of her sculptures, which she […]

  • CENTRALE Cinema – Sobre la marxa

    15.02.2023 – 12:30 8 € projection + expo ; 5 € projection ; 3 € students Info and reservations: info@centrale.brussels Sobre la marxa Directed by: Jordi Morató – 2014 – 77’ – ES […]

  • visite guidée exposition Cataplasme avec l'artiste Maud Gourdon

    Guided tour

    Guided tour of the exhibitions Cataplasme ! by Maud Gourdon (CENTRALE | box), Cardshark by Nelleke Cloosterman (CENTRALE | lab) and Heavy mechanics by Irina Favero-Longo (CENTRALE | vitrine) With the artists […]

  • Semaine du son @ CENTRALE : concert/performance de MÜ, groupe d’art outsider composé d’artistes en situation ou non de handicap

    SOLD OUT – Week of sound @ CENTRALE

    Week of Sound @ CENTRALE 01.02.2023 19:15 > 20:00 : visit of the exhibition PHOTO | BRUT #1 collection Bruno Decharme & installation vidéo Angel Vergara 20:00 > 20:45 : Concert/performance and stage […]

  • affiche film l'énergie positive des dieux

    CENTRALE Cinema – L’Énergie positive des dieux

    01.02.2023 – 12:30 8 € projection + expo ; 5 € projection ; 3 € students Reservation required here L’Énergie positive des dieux Directed by: Laetitia Mølle – 2022 – 70’ – FR […]


    Journées d’études – L’art brut : un concept pour penser l’art ? Peut-on parler d’images photographiques brutes ? 27 & 28.01.2023 — 09:00 > 18:30 @ CIVA More info here

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  • Workshops at CENTRALE with Elies Vaer

    Wednesdays 11 & 25.01, 08 & 22.02, 08.03.2023 – 14:00 > 16:00 – € 5 (entrance to the exhibition included and material provided) Intergenerational workshops (from 8 years) Info and reservations: info@centrale.brussels […]

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    EXPO.GRAPHIE An exhibition about ten exhibitions CENTRALE | atelier More info

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