24-10 2018 – 19:30 The Dreamers. A film by Bernardo Bertolucci (2003 – 115’ – EN st NL) @ CINEMA RITCS Rue Dansaert 70 1000 Brussels €5 / €3 (reduction) / €2 […]

  • CENTRALE Cinema – Yves Klein

    24-10 2018 – 12:30 Pick-nick welkom !  7 € projection + expo ; 5 € projection ; 3 € students Limited capacity, reservation preferred : info@centrale.brussels Yves Klein, la révolution bleue – […]

  • Conference with Véronique Bergen

    20-10 2018 15:00 Résistance et écologie. Défense de la Terre Conference with Véronique Bergen in French In the frame of OPEN ACADEMY A conference organised by Académie royale des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles […]

  • Conference @ ISELP

    19-10 2018 19:00 > 20:30 Perspectives décentrées. Révoltes et révolutions en Afrique et au Moyen-Orient de ’68 à aujourd’hui. Conference in French @ ISELP Boulevard de Waterloo 31 1000 Brussels €6/ €4 […]

  • Brussels Museums Nocturnes @ CENTRALE

    18-10 2018 17:00 > 22:00 € 4 / 2 (< 26 years) / 0 (< 18 years) / Article 27 Brussels Museums Nocturnes Guided tours : FR : 18:30 & 19:30 / […]

  • BETWEEN CLASSES | Free visit for teachers

    10-10 2018 13:00 BETWEEN CLASSES: Free visit for teachers CENTRALE for contemproary art invites you to discover the exhibition RESISTANCE during a privileged meeting with its different players! You will be provided […]

  • Sunday @ CENTRALE

    07-10, 04-11, 02-12 2018, 06-01 2019 – 11:30 > 12:30 Free guided tour (FR,NL) included with the purchase of your entrance ticket. 07-10 : special guided tour with RESISTANCE‘s curator Maïté Vissault (in […]

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  • Workshops at CENTRALE – With Ninon Mazeaud

    03-10 / 17-10 / 07-11 / 21-11 2018 – 14:00 > 16:00 – € 5 (entrance to the exhibition included and material provided) Intergenerational workshops (from 8 years) Info and reservations : info@centrale.brussels  […]

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    03-10 2018 – 19:30 La Chinoise. A film by Jean-Luc Godard (1967 – 95’ – FR st EN) @ CINEMA RITCS Rue Dansaert 70 1000 Brussels €5 / €3 (reduction) / €2 […]

  • Meet the artist Cécile Massart

    03-10, 10-10, 17-10, 24-10 & 31-10 2018 14:00 > 18:00 Meet the artist Cécile Massart in her “Shelter studio” (FR) Included in your entrance ticket to the exhibition. In the frame of […]

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  • OPEN ACADEMY FILMS : Historical Documentaries

    OPEN ACADEMY FILMS : Historical Documentaries Screened in loop during opening hours Free 27-09, 03-10, 07-10, 13-10, 19-10 & 25-10 2018 The strange spring of May 68 (2018, Dominique Beaux) – (180′ […]

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