The work of Remco Roes originates in a continuous landscape of ruins, composed of fragments, that continues to grow over time. His fascination for scars, contours and erased significance exceed a purely aesthetic adoration: they become anchors for a questioning of the system and “frameworks” within which we live. Out of a conscious naivety Roes attempts to create – through a continuous reordering of the banal status quo – “meaningful” constellations. The content of such a collection is always filled with spaces, objects, projections, photos, texts and abstract concepts that interact like actors on a stage. For the exhibition at B-gallery the common theme is formed by a series of playful, theatrical “exercises of the man” that are developed in relation to the City of Brussels and to the exhibition space. The final exhibition is a glance back at the stage after these exercises have been “completed.” An invitation, perhaps, to yourself do a dance on this exposed ruin.
The exhibition is a part of Remco Roes’ doctorate research entitled “The scenography of sublime spaces” at Hasselt University / PHL
© Remco ROES