Maren Dubnick


From to

Centrale | vitrine

Exposition ACCUMULATOR, Maren Dubnick & Clémentine Davin, Centrale | vitrine

Centrale presents Maren Dubnick’s exhibition ACCUMULATOR at Centrale | vitrine (04.04 > 01.09.2024).

At a time when Centrale is undergoing a major transformation of its exhibition and public spaces, and reaffirming its new identity, Maren Dubnick (visual artist) and Clémentine Davin (curator) are reactivating the original function of the site, with the aim of offering a social and historical insight into the art centre which was once the first power station of the City of Brussels. Through an installation in Centrale | vitrine, the duo takes a look at the evolving use of electricity and its impact on contemporary society, creating a metaphorical link between the past and future lives of Centrale.

The artist-curator duo

Maren Dubnick, visual artist & Clémentine Davin, art historian and art critic, met in Brussels in 2018. Since then, they have been working together on a regular basis to develop their respective projects, and more specifically on issues relating to mediation and the place of art in society. They share many common concerns, but above all they share a keen interest in collaborative artistic approaches that aim to democratise art. In 2021, they are working together on a residency-laboratory project entitled “Axis-Mundi de l’ancrage au Monde”, supported by the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles as part of its call for projects Un Futur pour la Culture 2021-22.

Maren DUBNICK (°1972, BE/DE) uses stacking and coiling strategies to question our relationship with time. Like a representation of infinity, her practice is based on a repetitive, even meditative process that requires both mastery and patience.

Clémentine DAVIN (°1985, FR) has worked alongside artists for many years, taking an active part in their exhibitions and projects. She is also a regular contributor to the art magazines l’art même and Flux News and, since 2022, has been a member of the board of the Fédération des Arts Plastiques (FAP).

With the support of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation



Centrale | vitrine
Rue Sainte-Catherine 13
1000 Brussels

Visible day & night

There's only 36 days left
to visit the exhibition



  • Clémentine DAVIN