Béatrice LORTET & Jérémy NAKLÉ

The birth of an island

From to


Drawings / Serigraphy / Installation

The birth of an island, a succession of geological events that results in an outcrop of land that can be reached, walked on. Here, Beatrice Lortet and Jeremy Naklé question this creative process. One uses painting and screen printing, the other drawing. Their tool and medium serve their research directly, and become a means of acting on a shared reference framework. Through their respective work, they transcend an image by digression, alteration, multiplication. The period of the exhibition allows these two artists to compare their work, imagine a place where the series are broken, and images linked in a third space; creative processes and work are in crisis, not to determine what the work is, but when. The exhibition then allows consistent formatting of questions and results. The work, or rather the culmination of the work takes shape in this third space, the furniture, where one item in a series, linked to another, are shown together making sense, an island.

© Béatrice LORTET & Jérémy NAKLÉ
