Extra Muros // Collection Familly Servais

From to

21-11 2017 – 14:30 // 16-12 2017 – 12:00 // 20-01 2018 – 12:00
Free entrance – Reservations are necessary  : collection.servais@gmail.com
Address given when reservation

Collection Famille Servais
With the desire to develop her mission of public interest about the works of a collection and to inspire the curious visitors to discover an international repertory of contemporary art, the Collection Famille Servais organizes since about 10 years an annual presentation of some of her works of art in the Loft, the ancient residence of the collector Alain Servais.

Who’s still Workin’ on this Masterpiece? presents the selection 2017-2018 of works chosen by Dragos Olea, artist, member of the Collective Appartus 22 and curator. She explores the narrative potential of the act of collecting and how it inscribes itself on the heart of the artworks. The title questions with humor and (self) derision the ambivalence of this act. ; as itself a potential l masterpiece, where the collector is the passionately prime contractor/ master of works ? The works presented here are the result of the keen choices and the insatiable curiosity of Alain Servais. They intend in a narrative and hyper textual mode – not linear, with a lot of references, themes and ideas- to collect the potentialities of art and such doing to help understand, test/experiment (perhaps to change) the world.
