Authors: Carine Fol, Patrick Amine, Grégoire Polet
Editor: Ville de Bruxelles, asbl Bruxelles-Musées-Expositions
Publication: Printed 2016
Format:  1 vol. (80 p.) : 32,5 x 22,5 cm
Summary: CONNECTED offers a unique and surprising journey between real and virtual through the worlds of singular creation and reveal the use of new technologies in visual arts. While emphasizing the identity of the former power station which houses them, the works featured question the theme of the connection – physical and psychological – which links the artistic creation to its author and the viewer. The public itself is called to actively get involved in this meeting and to interact with works: the spectator is connected and caught by body-machines, images created in animated 3D, interactive video sequences and more. Over twenty Belgian and international artists sign this invitation to encounter uncommon sensory experiences and virtual perceptions.
Artists: Marc Boulet & Lin Yu, William S. Burroughs, N+N Corsino, Wim Delvoye, Pascal Dombis, Philippe Gronon, Brion Gysin, Fritz Kahn, Evi Keller, Abdelmajid Mehdi, Welsey Meuris, Roman Opalka, ORLAN, Nam June Paik, Jean Perdrizet, Lubos Plny, Tomas Saraceno, STELARC, Henri Ughetto, Philippe Vandenberg, Joachim van den Hurk & Pedro Rivero J., Alex Verhaest, Thomas Zipp
Subject: Contemporary art, Belgium
Languages: FR, EN & NL
Type of document: Printed text, images
Identification:  ISBN : 9789079502226
Price: € 12,00