• Meet the artists & Guided tour

    Guided tour of the exhibitions Le spectacle by Angélique Aubrit & Ludovic Beillard (CENTRALE | box), Wolken boven Brussel (Nuages) by Yannick Ganseman (CENTRALE | lab) and Sapristi, Sorcellerie et saint Sacrilège by […]

  • Guided tour & talk with Mehdi-Georges Lahlou (EN)

    Guided tour & talk with Mehdi-Georges Lahlou (EN) The archive as a challenge to memory 09.09.2023 14:30 > 15:15 : Guided tour of the exhibition extra with Mehdi-Georges Lahlou & Tania Nasielski […]

  • Into the Palm the Birds – inauguration

    Inauguration of the artwork Into the Palm the Birds by Mehdi-Georges Lahlou 08.09.2023, 16:30 > 18:00 GC De Vaartkapoen: Rue Saint-Joseph 14, 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean De Vaartkapoen invites you to the inauguration of […]

  • CENTRALE Cinema – Broken View

    06.09.2023 – 12:30 8 € projection + expo ; 5 € projection ; 3 € students Info and reservations: info@centrale.brussels Broken View, 2023, Hannes Verhoustraete, 72’ FR st EN A poetic essay film […]

  • Guided tour – extra

    Guided tour of the exhibition extra  with the artist Mehdi-Georges Lahlou  24.06.2023 – 16:00 > 17:30 Guided tour included with the purchase of your entrance ticket Booking here For this exhibition, envisaged as […]

  • Guided tour on decolonisation @ CENTRALE

    Guided tour of the exhibition extra with François Makanga. 17.06.2023 – 14:30 > ± 16:00 CENTRALE | hall Flat rate : 8€ (guided tour & expo) Reservation required here As part of […]

  • Meet the artists – Robberto & Milena Atzori

    Guided tour of the exhibition LA FOULE by Robberto & Milena Atzori (CENTRALE | vitrine)  With the artists and Tania Nasielski, deputy artistic director 31.05.2023 12:30 Free Expo Robberto & Milena Atzori […]

  • CENTRALE Cinema – White Cube

    24.05.2023 – 12:30 8 € projection + expo ; 5 € projection ; 3 € students Info and reservations: info@centrale.brussels White Cube, 2021, Renzo Martens, 67′ English, French, Swahili – Subtitles: French, Dutch […]

  • Visite guidée de l'exposition extra

    Sunday @ CENTRALE

    Sunday at CENTRALE – Guided tour 07.05, 04.06, 02.07, 06.08 & 03.09.2023 – 11:30 > 12:30 CENTRALE | hall Booking here Free guided tour (FR, NL) of the exhibition Mehdi-Georges Lahlou & Candice […]

    From to
  • Des visiteurs et visiteuses dans l'expo de Yannick Ganseman à la CENTRALE | lab

    Meet the artist – Yannick Ganseman

    Meet the artist Yannick Ganseman (CENTRALE | lab) Fridays 28.04, 05, 12 & 26.05 Thursday 01.06 Wednesdays 14 & 28.06 10:30 > 15:00 The artist Yannick Ganseman will be at CENTRALE | […]

    From to
  • Brussels museums nocturnes 2023

    Nocturne at CENTRALE

    Nocturne at CENTRALE – Standing guides 27.04.2023 17:00 > 22:00 € 5 (+26 years) / 2,5 (13-25 years) / 1,25 (Art. 27) / 0 (-13 years & MuseumPassMusée) Info & Tickets: www.nocturnes.brussels Also on […]