26-09 2018 – 18:00 > 20:30 Vernissage RESISTANCE Free entrance with a live performance of artists Dan Perjovschi and Nathalie Talec Limited capacity (reservation preferred) > https://bit.ly/2NlRMmI Your ticket will be asked […]


    In Brussels, the exhibition RESISTANCE focuses on the way that art has participated in the societal and political challenges that have shaken up the world of art for the past fifty years, […]

  • Le Grand BanKet : two years of sharing

    On the occasion of the second anniversary of Le Grand BanKet’s, a permanent artwork composed of 10 ceramic tables by Brussels artist Françoise Schein, CENTRALE for contemporary art presents an exhibition dedicated to […]

  • Finissage Private Choices

    26-05 2018 – 18:00 > 22:00 Finissage Private Choices Free entrance During 7 months, the exhibition Private Choices gave visitors the opportunity to discover 11 contemporary art collections. These artworks are a […]

  • Extra Muros // Collection Familly Servais

    27-05 2018 – 15:00 Free entrance – Reservations are necessary  : collection.servais@gmail.com Address given when reservation Family Servais Collection With the desire to develop her mission of public interest about the works […]

    From to
  • Extra Fort: Diego Balestrasse & Valeria Cherchi

    17-05 2018 – 20:00 > 23:00 Extra Fort: Diego Balestrasse & Valeria Cherchi A project of Recyclart in patnership with CENTRALE for contemporary art The “extra fort” evenings are spicy photo nights […]

  • Downtownbrussels.art

    05 & 06-2018 – 11:00 > 18:00 Downtownbrussels.art Downtownbrussels.art is a fascinating location and starts from the northwest of the central axis up to the Canal Zone. A bit rough and dirty, but […]

    From to
  • ArtContest Window

    ArtContest Window 20-04 > 08-07 2018 Galerie Rivoli 690 Chaussée de Waterloo 1180 Brussels From 20 April to 80 July, the Galerie Rivoli presents artworks by Florian Kiniques and Léa Mayer in […]

    From to
  • Passions bruxelloises dévoilées

    28-03 2018 09:00 > 17:00 Brussels City Hall Meeting and exchanges day with collectors For the second time, CENTRALE organizes a meeting day around collectors. The first one, Passions dévoilées took place […]