The installation On Random Walks revolves around the phenomenon of knots in vibrated granular chains and examines how knots contribute to the understanding of space and movement. In physics, granular chains are used as a model to study the behaviour of string-like objects such as DNA, RNA or polymer macromolecules that often become entangled.
An array of brass plates is set into vibration at infrasonic frequencies, diffused by subwoofers. A bead chain is placed in the center of each plate. Excited by very low, inaudible oscillations they start to move in unpredictable ways, which leads at times to spontaneous knot formations in varying complexity as well as their instantaneous dissolution. The bouncing strings in turn slightly strike the brass plates and create a pulsating field that constantly shifts by time, by the visitors walk through it and the change of one’s perspective.
VERNISSAGE 28-06 – 18:30 > 20:30
Within the exhibition Où sont les Sons ? Where Are Sounds? – curator Nicole Gingras
© Franziska WINDISCH
Place Sainte-Catherine 44 Sint-Katelijneplein
Bruxelles 1000 Brussel
WED > SUN 10:30 > 18:00
Closed on public holidays (25-05 & 21-07)