The project DÉJÀ-MAIS-VU (16.12.2020 > 21.02.2021) at CENTRALE.lab allows Akiko Ueda (Japan, 1983, lives and works in Brussels) ‘s work to unfold in a work-in-progress over the duration of the exhibition. The show will also be interspersed with performances.
Akiko Ueda explores the possibilities of drawing and painting as a to and fro between the various materials and media used for each of these practices. Her perceptible work process exposes the way in which both practices intermingle and prove mutually enriching: Ueda extracts the essential lines of her painting and draws them on paper. She then applies new layers of pencil and/or watercolour. Ueda’s gesture is simultaneously a subtraction and an extraction resulting in a new proposition that co-inhabits with the original painting.
With the support of and the Brussels-Capital Region
Exhibition view: Akiko Ueda, CENTRALE | lab © Philippe de Gobert, december 2020
Place Sainte-Catherine 16
1000 Brussels
WED > SUN 10:30 > 13:00 – 13:30 > 18:00
Closed on public holidays (25.12.2020 ; 01.01.2021)
0 €